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Capacitors > MCap-SilverOil

MCAP Supreme S-Oil


The MCap® Supreme Silver/Oil is an oil impregnated metallised polyprophylene dielectric capacitor. 

As the name indicates, high-purity silver is used for the capacitor coating, and the winding is impregnated with a special oil developed in an exhaustive series of experiments and listening tests.

Both these features contribute to an even fuller and smoother tonal richness and diversity. Our state-of-the-art metallised polyprophylene foils make it possible to maintain extremely low production tolerances that cannot be achieved with traditional oil/paper capacitor designs.

This is also the first time that the benefi ts of oil-impregnated capacitor design have been successfully combined with the well-known long-term stability of metallised paper and internal series wiring for induction-free SUPREME performance.

Its lively reproduction of music impresses in particular with its subtly dynamic speed, precision and marked fine detail.


Scheda tecnica

Technical Features

Technical specifications:

Value range: 0,01 mF to 10mF

Dielectric: Polypropylene

Dielectric strengh: 1000 VDC

Loss factor: tan ∂ = 0.0002 @1 kHzLoss factor: tan ∂ = 0.0001 @10 kHz